Subject: Re:
To: Michael Grunditz <>
From: Timo Schoeler <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 07/29/2006 22:07:38
thus Michael Grunditz spake:
> Hi
> I have some problems with the cyrus imap server. I get memory errors
> from imapd.

can you give details (logfile, dmesg)?

> I use it with fetchmail as a home mailserver , and I'm worried that some
> of my mail disappears.
> This is on a Ultra 1 running 3.01.
> Is there any known problems with cyrus on sparc64 ?

i have an Ultra 1E at a customers site running postfix, clamav and cyrus 
2.2.x for approx. 30 users which send huge mails for about 18 months 
now. no problem. NB: the machine is really low on memory, 128MByte. 
works like a charm... (but it's not running 3.0.1, obviously ;).

> Best regards
> Michael Grunditz


Timo Schoeler | |
RISCworks -- Perfection is a powerful message
ISP | POWER & PowerPC afficinados | Networking, Security, BSD services
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