Subject: Re: x configuring...
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 09/26/2005 12:45:35
> is such a "2 person" setup possible at all w. netbsd, but on which
> architecture?

I have no doubt I could set it up on sparc (and probably on a pre-PCI
sparc64, but I'm a bit less confident of that).  But with X, not
xfree86 X - and I'd also have to hack on the kernel config and the
hardware to get a second keyboard and mouse on the serial ports.  (You
can run a keyboard or mouse off a serial port if you add a little glue
logic to convert between keyboard/mouse signal levels and RS232 signal

Depending on exactly which X, I might also have to add in my patches to
support opening other than /dev/kbd and /dev/mouse to get the keyboard
and mouse.

It's certainly doable.  It's just a question of whether you're willing
to go to the necessary trouble.

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