Subject: Re: 3.0 sources.
To: Paul (NCC/CS). <>
From: Joel CARNAT <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 09/21/2005 10:16:16
Dans l'épisode précédent (Wed, Sep 21 2005 - 17:22), Paul (NCC/CS). nous apprenait que :
> Hi,
> not having much luck yet getting sources for 3.0
> "3.0 Beta" if exists would be good.
> I followed  to ->
> -> But it is an empty directory.

maybe, none build recently.

> shows a tag called
> -> netbsd-3-base .   this might be right for me,
> but then again it may be bleeding edge and not even compile.
> How do I choose a tag for cvs that is 3.0 that is a snapshot that will compile?

I use "cvs up -rnetbsd-3 -PAd"

> Or put simply where do I find a daily snapshot of 3.0 tar files please?
> I can ftp them no probs if I know where they are.

The last (release) build I did (end of may) is available here :

It is private ADSL, but you can use it if no-one has a quicker link /
more recent release  - or you can way for daily snapshots to be released

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