Subject: Re: ATI Technologies 3D Rage
To: Michael <>
From: Paul (NCC/CS). <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 09/20/2005 12:27:56
Michael wrote:

> Not without upgrading to 3.0 ( still beta, you can grab a copy from
> ) or -current. These have a driver with full
> acceleration, virtual consoles and so on.

Thanks all.

Ok. Well i've noticed on my new ultra10 that it has a 15 pin vga
display port. So I assume if i removed the ATI rage card I could
get X running through this standard port on the main board.
Is this true so i can use it as a fall back measure?

For now however, I might try 3.0 for the ATI rage card.

Question is, can someone point me to the best documentation to
how to get 3.0 going please?  There seem to be various sup, cvsup,
ftp, and then various build methodologies in the doco.

I just need the standard method for someone who hasn't done
it before. So the most idiot proof.


> have fun
> Michael
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