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Re: svn - cannot allocate mem

Hi John,

ok, my machine entered again in the stupid state.

NOw I can ssh into the workstation which is serial connected. I
connected at that moment.
The machine entered breakpoint but with "continue" resumed. So we know
the connect-RS232 and start minicom causes a kernel debugger entry.

John Klos wrote:
> Do you have a machine near your SPARC that you can ssh / telnet to and
> that can talk to the serial console of the SPARC?
> The commands would be:
> shutdown now (note no -h, no -p)

After that I get...

Done running shutdown hooks.
OctinEnter pathname of shell or RETURN for /bin/sh:

wonder what Octin is :)
Anyway, I was kicked out of ongoing sshd sessions

> You can run "ps ax" to see what's left, in case anything is still
> hanging around, then:

legolas# ps -ax
    0 ?    OKl  14:54.87 [system]
    1 ?    Is    0:01.22 init
11955 ttya Ss    0:00.25 -sh
29647 ttya O+    0:00.08 ps -ax

seems nothing is lect, right?
> exit

exited, the system performs essentially the boot sequence.

once sshd restarted, I relogged in and was able to resume my work.

What does this prove? Not really a convenient method, since it is
equivalent to a reboot.
However, it means that the issue is some system (or user?) process
leaking or piling up, not the kernel itself, right?


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