Subject: Re: NetBSD Sparc32 SMP crash
To: None <>
From: Geert Hendrickx <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/20/2005 08:19:52
> Hi,
> while experimenting with midnight commander on my freshly installed 
> sparc 32 (sparcstation 20) smp box, I found out a reproducible kernel 
> panic.
> When I try to open /kern/copyright with mcview (viewer of midnight 
> commander) I get:
> panic: cpu0: stuck on lock <at> f2df7548
> syncing disks...
> My box is running NetBSD 2.0.2

I also have a SPARCstation 20 (4 CPUs) running NetBSD 2.0.2 GENERIC.MP, and I
can reproduce this kernel panic!  

Could you please CC me any followups (I'm not subscribed to this list).