Subject: Re: What are you using port-sparc for?
To: Michael <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/30/2004 18:29:53
On Thu, 30 Sep 2004, Michael wrote:

> Hello,
>>  	I actually still miss the IPX. That was a really nice little box.
>>  	Much less fussy about memory than the classic.
> Yeah, I had one at university, years ago - I'd prefer an IPX over a 
> Classic any time - mainly because of the cg6 on the mainboard ( the 
> classic has only a dumb cg3 ) and the 40MHz Fujitsu CPU didn't feel at 
> all slower than the 50MHz MicroSPARC in the classic - must be the bigger 
> cache. So, if I had to get a lunchbox-sized Sun I'd go for an IPX or an 
> LX but avoid the Classic ( well, at least as long as I'd have to connect 
> a monitor sometimes )

 	While I also prefer the IPX the classic is definitely the faster
 	box... once you have code compiled -msupersparc. Plus it goes
 	to 96MB rather than 64MB. Still... the IPX is just better :)

 		David/absolute       -- No hype required --