To: None <>
From: Antti Kantee <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/11/1999 23:09:51
Has anyone noticed anything strange with options BUFCACHE lately on
sparc (or even ever, as this is my first install)? Shouldn't

options         BUFCACHE=14

imply something else than:

total memory = 48980 KB
avail memory = 45580 KB
using 128 buffers containing 512 KB of memory

My fault or someone else's fault?

  "Never underestimate the power of the Lite side of the \Source/"
 Antti Kantee   /       NetBSD        \  1973 <- draken   \    / o
<> / \  platters -> 1999 \  /  |
______________/ Free Multiplatform UN*X \___________________\/__ |