Subject: Re: ELC power?
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: None <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/09/1999 15:53:45
To:   der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>


I have 2 ELC's in exactly this state.

After trying to rapair the PSU's on a number of occasions, I gave up, and spent
$30 (aus) on a standard PC power supply.  I can not comment on the exact
consumption, but I know that a standard supply delivers

+5v @ 10A (min)
+12V @ 5A
-12V @ 1A
-5V @ 0.5A

So I recomend a standard PC power supply.  Shipping a coupe of million units
really drives costs down..  :-)

The -ve supplies are for serial driver use, so will only actually draw small
numbers of milliamps.  I would be concerned that the serial drivers on the CPU
card were damaged, as applying +20V to them may have been a mistake.

I agree that running without a load on the +117V or 68V rails was probably a
problem.  From memory, the monitor consumes around 50W total, and you don't want
to have to dissipate that 50W in the case anyway, so load resistors may not be
the best way to go.

My systems are installed into PC cases, with the SCSI disks installed
internally, and all connectors mounted externally with v.short home made cables.

Hope that this is helpfull.


der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA> on 09/09/99 03:18:37 pm


Subject:  ELC power?

I've acquired an ELC with fried video electronics.  I'd like to run it
headless, but want to toss the big chassis with the video goop in it.

After spending an hour or two working on it, I got the thing apart
enough to take the power supply out.  I also got the small board at the
back bottom, the one that breaks out the CPU card-edge to the various
connectors, free.  I then plugged in the power supply and a serial line
and turned it on.

It worked.  But after maybe a total of ten to fifteen minutes of
power-on time, the power supply seems to have fried itself, presumably
because it's missing the load presented by the video electronics.  It's
not the CPU board that's fried, verified by swapping it into a working
ELC.  Applying a voltmeter to the solder points where the power
connector wires are attached indicates that the +5 lines are being fed
only about +0.8 volts - no wonder the CPU doesn't run.

Therefore, I'm inquiring of the collective wisdom here if anyone knows
either (a) how much power the CPU sucks and at what voltages, so I can
drive it from a more general-purpose supply, or (b) what load resistors
I'd need to add to keep the power supply from frying itself for lack of
the video load.

As a partial answer to (a), the markings on the power supply seem to
imply that the CPU board uses +5, -5, +12, and -12.  Measuring the
voltages as I mentioned above, the -5 supply is fine, the +12 and -12
points are being driven by about +20 and -20 volts, and as I said above
the +5 supply seems to be putting out less than 1V.  There are markings
indicating that the video electronics want (from fuzzy memory) +25,
+68, and +117 volts.  If I do load resistors, I'll definitely have to
be careful. :-)

                         der Mouse

               7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B