Subject: Good reason to register WP8 (even if you don't use it)
To: None <>
From: Edwards, Benjamin () <Benjamin.Edwards@DIGIFONE.COM>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/21/1998 12:03:24
From:  Martin Houston[]
Sent:  19 December 1998 18:39

I am just downloading the 'all in one' set after not having a great deal
of luck sticking the parts together. 

I would urge anyone who thinks that they will have more than a passing
interest in the program to register.

One of the big problems with Linux is that there is no mandatory
registration, therfore no foolproof cound of users. Corel are doing us a
huge service by ushering people towards
registering as they can get an idea on just how big the market for
software on Linux is and how fast it is growing.

For Corel to be able to claim that there are X Million WP8 for Linux users
will be a very powerful factor in pursuading the flod-gates to open and
everything suddenley becomming available for Linux.

Making WP8 free for personal use is in some ways a shrewd marketing move -
as they are very clear about what sort of activites are no longer
considered personal such as doing work on behalf of a church etc.

If they can get 10 Million registers WP users in a short period of time
then any final critics that Linux is not here to stay will have to shut up
or look even more complete idiots.

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