Subject: Re: req'd by adobe acrobat.
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/31/1997 12:56:58
> 	I've been trying to read some acrobat documents on my
> NetBSD-sparc system, and I've run into several roadblocks.  At the
> outset, the acrobat system is unfriendly to emulated systems and makes
> noises about not being able to run on your 'NetBSD-sparc' system.  I
> wonder if it's possible to make uname and other system calls to react
> differently under emulation.

I am still using Acrobat Reader 2.1 on my NetBSD/SPARC 1.2 (still) system,
and I only had to do this:

netbsd4me:1:80 [/usr/local] % diff -rc1 ./AcroRead/bin/acroread{.dist,}*** 
./AcroRead/bin/acroread.dist        Mon Mar 11 20:45:46 1996
--- ./AcroRead/bin/acroread     Mon Mar 11 20:47:39 1996
*** 156,157 ****
--- 156,165 ----
+   NetBSD)
+     case "$os_release" in
+       1.*)
+       ACRO_CONFIG=sparcsun
+       export ACRO_CONFIG
+       ;;
+     esac
+     ;;

It works fine.  (I haven't tried the 3.0 Acrobat reader yet, though.)

> 	However, (I assume that I'm talking about the SunOS
> complains that it can't load when I try to run
> the acrobat binary (once I found it).  I have examined the SunOS
> 4.1.4 and 4.1.3 systems that I have access to, and neither of them
> have any libreadcore in either a shared or static form.

"libreadcore" comes with Acrobat!  Look in your .../Reader/sparcsun/lib
directory.  Copy it to /emul/sunos and you should be fine.

	- Greg