Subject: None
To: Blake Wickliffe <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/03/1996 15:07:25
On Fri, 3 May 1996 15:18:25 -0500 (CDT) 
 Blake Wickliffe <> wrote:

 > Hello, once again...Im pounding away at a SS ELC running NetBSD 1.1 and I
 > have come across an interesting puzzle.  The environment I am working in
 > centralizes all of our users home directories on a central server and
 > automounts them (via NFS) at login. I want to be able to do this also with
 > the NetBSD box.  I have successfully gotten YP working  (due in LARGE part
 > to the help of this mailing group) but I'm totally
 > stumped on this one.  It seems very different from the Solaris
 > system....Or am I just looking at it all wrong?  Any suggestions?
 > Comments?  Flames?  Thanks!

Check out the amd(8) and mount_nfs(8) manual pages.

----save the ancient forests -
Jason R. Thorpe                             
NASA Ames Research Center                               Home: 408.866.1912
NAS: M/S 258-6                                          Work: 415.604.0935
Moffett Field, CA 94035                                Pager: 415.428.6939