Subject: Re: System hangs strangely.
To: David Gilbert <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/24/1996 10:46:08
> 	I have had several recent 'odd' system hangs lately.  I havn't
> been able to pin them down definately.
> 	Each terminal on the system responds to one carriage return,
> but then no further characters are accepted.  It has happened several
> times recently.  The last time it happened, it was shortly after cron
> started the sendbatches process.
> 	I will be watching it closely to determine if this is part of
> the problem or a coincidence.
I have the same problem on one of my machines. It is beacuse (in my
case) inetd forks up a lot of processes (> 100) that all get blocked.
I will go into the crash dumps and try to find out why someday when
I get time (if noone else does it before!).

-- Ragge