Subject: Re: sparc keyboard info
To: Paul Kranenburg <>
From: Neil J. McRae <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/31/1995 03:04:35
> > While we are talking about keyboards, I'd love away to remap NetBSD/Sparc
> > for a UK Type 5 keyboard, ~, |, \, /, # are all in the wrong place and it's
> > a pain :(
> I've implemented the relevant ioctls in a rudimentary fashion.
> You could try to use SunOS' `loadkeys' command to handle your keyboard layout.

I just finished upgrading to -current, This works fine on console, thanks,
but when I run X the keys go back to their horrid mappings, Anyone know
if it's possible to get X to also change?

Also there was a patch for keyboard lights, anyone got that hanging around?

Regards & Thanks,

Neil J. McRae.                                        Demon Internet