Subject: Re: sgimips bootstrap
To: None <>
From: Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 07/07/2003 02:16:53
> Anyone can explain me how to install the boostrap? I'll update the FAQ
> while I'm here.

Ok, that's easy once you find that sgivol is the tool to use:
# cd /usr/mdec
# ./sgivol boot ./boot sd0

You get the boot program installed. Next, in the prom console:
setenv OSLoadPartition scsi(0)disk(1)rdisk(0)partition(0)    
setenv OSLoadFilename /netbsd
setenv AutoLoad Yes
setenv SystemPartition scsi(0)disk(1)rdisk(0)partition(8)
setenv OSLoader boot

OSLoader is set to the name used as 1st argument when using sgivol to
isntall the bootstrap.
Of course SystemPartition and OSLoadPartition need to be adjusted the to
actual partitions. Here 0 and 8 have been found using sgivol:

$ sgivol sd0
disklabel shows 2070144 sectors
checksum: 00000000
root part: 0
swap part: 1
bootfile: /netbsd

Volume header files:
sgilabel offset    2 blocks, length      512 bytes (1 blocks)
ide      offset    4 blocks, length   283648 bytes (554 blocks)
sash     offset  558 blocks, length   283648 bytes (554 blocks)
symmon   offset 1387 blocks, length   276992 bytes (541 blocks)
boot     offset 1112 blocks, length    54432 bytes (107 blocks)

SGI partitions:
 0:a blocks  1985904 first     2592 type  4 (BSD4.2)
 1:b blocks    81648 first  1988496 type  3 (Raw)
 3:d blocks     2592 first        0 type  4 (BSD4.2)
 8:i blocks     2608 first        0 type  0 (Volume Header)
10:k blocks  2070144 first        0 type  6 (Volume)

And we fill the holes that way:
8 -> Volume header -> SystemPartition
0 -> NetBSD root partition (where the kernel is) -> OSLoadPartition  

Next problem... some change in -current broke IRIX binaries dynamic
linking (sight). 

Emmanuel Dreyfus