Subject: Re: get active
To: Christopher McKenzie <>
From: Vance Dereksen <>
List: port-s390
Date: 07/09/2001 08:21:55
Well, I would be interested, and I sent you an email.  I do have some
S/390 hardware.  I have one S/390 (and access to a couple more) as well as
three P/390s.  I also got a P/390 for Dave McGuire which I have to
deliver, and one for one of his friends.  If you can get a P/390 or a
P/390E, or an R/390 or anything like that, it would help you a lot with
any development you wanted to do, and it only requires a PCI PC capable of
running OS/2.

Peace...  Sridhar

On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Christopher McKenzie wrote:

> Ok...dealing with the earlier versions of linux/s390 it looks like it is
> pretty straight forward to do in VM/ESA or some other kind of VM.  I do
> have a friend that has an S/390 in his guest bedroom that he can't afford
> and needs to get rid of.   He also needs money so if you want one you can
> contact me.  The main thing that we would need to actually do this I think
> would be some IBM support.  Their usually pretty friendly when it comes to
> research and forked out a lot of money to the groups doing the linux
> research for s/390 and I personally have found netbsd to have a lot less
> overhead then any linux that I've seen.  For companies that would fancy
> running perhaps 30,000 virtual linux pc's I wonder if they would like it
> even more if they could run say 80,000 logical netbsd machines.  anyway,
> wondering what you think...hercules is a monster trying to get it to
> run...I suggest we pick up an s/390 itself or at least have access to one.
> The line being an aged one means that some will start to be retired soon.
> Keep an eye out.  And if you have deep pockets email me and you may get
> yourself an s/390...i'm in california.  ok bye.
> Christopher J. McKenzie