Subject: Re: DECsystem 5000/200
To: None <>
From: Andreas Priebe <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 01/27/1999 10:30:16
> > >There's been some complaints recently about the SCSI driver on
> > >5000/200's.  One thing would be to try the 5000/25, which uses a

Oh - I think the complaints are rather old :-)

> > Two people have said that the 1.2G asc driver worked a lot better on
> > their 5000/200s than the 1.3.3 driver.
> > 
> > Should we perhaps go back to that version (or at least the relevant
> > deltas)  for 1.4?
> I guess for 1.3.4 too.  Jeff, if I get you a modified kernel can you try
> it out in the next few days?

It would be really fine, if we could make such a think also for -current.
I would really like to test such a kernel if anyone can make the
deltas/modifactions of the driver for -current!


The box said: "Requires Windows 3.1 or better," so I bought a Macintosh.
* Andreas Priebe          * Email    : (PGP key available) *
* Potsdam, Germany        * WWW      :       *