Subject: Re: i386 Terminal doing Serial Console
To: Daniel Bolgheroni <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/10/2003 16:30:36
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On Fri, Oct 10, 2003 at 03:34:21PM +0000, Daniel Bolgheroni wrote:
> On Friday 10 October 2003 09:10, der Mouse wrote:
> > It's not clear whether you are talking about a machine using its
> > parallel port as its console or a machine using its parallel port
> > rather than its serial port to talk to another machine's serial-line
> > console.
> The configuration is a i386 machine as serial console terminal using the=
> parallel port, and a macppc machine I want to connect to, using the mini-=
> 8 modem line.

There is no parallel port in what you describe.

Also, ignore the parallel port. You only want to use serial cables.

> It seems to be hard. Also, as I wrote in one of last messages, I found a=
> serial/mini-DIN 8 cable, used to connect to a professional sound card. Ma=
> it should work.
> I'll buy this one and give a try.=20

A sound card? Make sure you use a continuity tester to check out the pins=
on that cable; just plugging it in may fry something.

Do you have a local computer store? If so, buy one of:

1) "Mac serial printer" cable. This is the Imagewriter or Laserwriter
cable John mentioned. It is wired by default as a null-modem cable. It is=
appropriate to hook one mac to another.

2) A mac modem cable, a null modem, and a PC modem cable.

3) A Mac "Laplink" cable. These cables have DB-9 and DB-25 one each end,=20
and one end has a mini-8 connector.

These cables should be like $20 US or so. While not free, they are cheeper=
than a fried box. :-)

Take care,


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