Subject: Re: OpenFirmware question: load-size=0
To: None <>
From: Thomas Klausner <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/03/2000 23:10:09
Mutt made me believe that Michael Wolfson wrote:
> Ah, yes.  I ran across this too.  MacOS does not boot from Open Firmware
> the way you're trying to.  What you need to do is type `mac-boot', and it
> will start its minimal OF program that searches for a MacOS "ROM" file on
> any attached disk.  If you hold down the "C" key, it will look on a CD-ROM
> first.

I only tried booting it from the OF prompt after holding 'C' during
bootup failed :(

> Optionally, I think what might work is if you typed (and I'm guessing here):
> boot cd:,\\tbxi:

This gives: 
can't OPEN: cd:,\\tbxi:

I tried some combinations of boot prompts:
boot cd:,\\tbxi
boot cd:,\\
boot cd:,
boot cd:

which didn't work; then I tried 
dev / ls
cd: ls

for fun; and giving up, I did
and held 'C', and I got a small mac-icon in the center of the screen,
and a long path (with media-bay in it) directly below -- and it works
again; I can boot from a CD, at least once.

Very, very weird. So much for 'computers are predictable'.


Thomas Klausner -
I think...I think it's in my basement. Let me go upstairs and check.
 -- M.C. Escher (1898-1972)