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WSFB & NuBus graphic devices

(fixed the title as well, it's 'ws' not 'sw' ...)

Le dim. 28 août 2022 à 18:14, Romain Dolbeau <romain%dolbeau.org@localhost> a écrit :
> (d) The system boots fine and I can use it via ssh, and I see the color console (with
>      the green-then-black text), but I never get a 'login' prompt ; nothing is displayed
>      after the date. If I type, it appears properly on the console. I _think_ something
>      is displayed on the secondary/internal, but with the messed-up resolution:depth
>      it's just noise at the top. It could be the login prompt, but I don't know (the getty
>     is running).

Turns out
- if I manual force the resolution/depth on the internal/secondary
screen, I see the login prompt there;
- wsdisplay0 is the internal/secondary and wsdisplay1 my device/primary;
- If I force wsdisplay0 to be on my device by changing the kernel wsfb
config to:
wsdisplay0 at wsemuldisplaydev1 console 1
wsdisplay* at wsemuldisplaydev?
Adding the first of those two lines, then I get a working prompt on my

Now, to figure out if adding acceleration is going to be similar to
what I have in NetBSD/spar ...


Romain Dolbeau

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