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Re: Booting without MacOS: We have WOOHOO!

[19 years later...]

On 23 Aug 2003, at 22:29, Nyef wrote:

http://www.dridus.com/~nyef/macboot/test_image.tgz is a floppy boot image
of the 1.6.1 install kernel for an SE/30 with 8 or more megs of RAM.

http://www.dridus.com/~nyef/macboot/macboot7.tgz is the source archive.

This only works on SE/30 systems with 8 or more megs of RAM as of now, but
it's a start.

I crawled archive.org (for instance, https://web.archive.org/web/20050308055508/http://www.dridus.com/~nyef/macboot/) for earlier versions of this work and turned each tarball into a git commit. Here's the repo so far: https://github.com/schmonz/netbsd-mac68k-without-macos

I couldn't find macboot7.tgz or test_image.tgz, though, so the repo doesn't represent the most recent state of these efforts. I asked Alastair Bridgewater (aka "Nyef") by private mail and he doesn't have those files lying around anywhere he can find.

Does anyone on this list happen to have stashed away a copy of macboot7.tgz and/or test_image.tgz? I'd like to make sure this work is preserved and available for anyone who might want to pick it up and take it further.


- Amitai

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