Subject: bypassing slow Quadra SCSI
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List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/29/2007 17:44:38
I set up my Q840 long ago to be my "software build box" before I knew about or fully realized the implications of the slow SCSI on these systems.  (Is Michael Zucca still around?)  I was wondering if by netmounting /usr/pkgsrc I'd gain anything, or not?

The practical limit of the 840's network is maybe 8 Mb/s, and SCSI-1 can reach 5 MB/s.  If actual performance is less than 1 MB/s though, it might be better to netmount!

Am I way off in my reasoning, here?  This is not really my area of expertise but it makes sense to me.  It is a shame my blazing fast (ha ha) Quadra is hobbled by a slow drive.  I unpacked a tarball on my "slower" A/UX box recently and was almost shocked at how fast it performed.

Tim & Alethea