Subject: Re: Problem building kernel
To: Ian Goldby <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/14/2001 17:56:56
Ian Goldby wrote:
> I'm trying to build my own kernel following the recipe in
> /documentation/kernel, from the 1.5 source
> NetBSD-1.5/source/sets/syssrc.tgz:
> # cd /sys/arch/mac68k/conf
> # config DOUGLAS
> # cd ../compile/DOUGLAS
> Everything up to here proceeds smoothly. Then, when I type
> # make depend
> I get
> *** Error code 1
> Stop
> I have absolutely no idea where to go next. Can anyone help?

surely it said more than just the above.  it's that part that's probably a
little more important...

> P.S. Quick less-important supplimentary question: The kernel sources
> seem to take up tons of disk space. Can I safely delete the directories
> corresponding to other machine architectures?

yes.  just make sure you don't delete the m68k directories ;-)
