Subject: Re: Hard Drive Size
To: None <>
From: Paul Bowen <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/05/2001 07:38:18
> I've been trying to install OpenBSD and NetBSD on a Centris 650. I > have a Seagate 4Gig HD from an old server. The first 2Gig is 
> devoted to MacOS 7.5.5 and the rest is for BSD, ie after the 2Gig 
> partition. Is this the reason the install crashes with a "disk 
> mount"? error? The partitions are there, the Makefs app sees them 
> alright. I had Linux booting without problems.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks 
> Julian

I hesitate to say it, but "me too".  My HD is set up in pretty much the same way - the small stuff at the beginning (drivers etc), then a 2 Gbyte MacOS partition, then a 2 Gbyte partition for NetBSD, then a small swap partition, followed by a 2 Gbyte Debian GNU Linux (which is installed and working) followed by a small swap partition for Debian GNU/Linux.  I'm experimenting with various OSes (OSen?) which is why I have the somewhat baroque set-up.

Does the NetBSD installer have a problem with large HDs?



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