Subject: Re: SAMBA.....:0/
To: bsduser <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/07/2000 20:01:58
> The Samba is runnng perfectly in my Quadra 650, but Windows don't recognize
> the permission, or something else.
> I see the "Quadra650" in Neib Network window. But when i click to map
> the computer, it says:
> \\Quadra650 is not acessible - The remote computer is not available.
> Something wrong?

Have you checked /var/log/messages on your Quadra 650?  Or does SAMBA
keep a separate log somewhere?

One thing I do see:

> ;hosts deny = . EXCEPT
> hosts deny = . EXCEPT 200.245.563.0/ 
> ;my ip range is from 200.245.563.1 ending 200.245.563.16

Your IP range can't have 563...  I assume that's 63:
hosts deny = . EXCEPT

Since your network ends at .16 (are you sure, I would expect it to be
14), you need to mask up to that bit.

Another way of writing that address is (meaning that
28 of the 32 bits of your network address are for your network and
only the last 4 are for your host.

Hmm...  Unless I am making too many assumptions.  How do you have sn0
configured?  What is your correct IP and netmask for the Quadra?
