Subject: Re: [ANN] NetBSD/mac68k floppy driver available
To: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
From: Simon Raahauge DeSantis <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/09/1998 15:33:27
On Mon, 8 Jun 1998, Hauke Fath wrote:
> 2. Floppy driver LKM
> You have to be able to build your own kernels.
> Get machdep.c-1-3-2.diff or machdep.c-1-3-E.diff from
> "./sys/arch/mac68k/lkm/iwm" in the "iwm.tar.gz" archive, depending on your
> kernel sources, cd to sys/arch/mac68k/mac68k and patch machdep.c. Build and
> install the kernel (make sure it is configured with LKM -- see README).
> Then, move IWM.o to /usr/lkm, activate loading of LKMs from /etc/rc in
> /etc/rc.conf and create an entry for IWM.o in /etc/lkm.conf (see example).
> Make devices like above, reboot.

I made the devices and then rebooted, modload complained about the usage,
so I dropped into single user to try to load it by hand. modload printed
something about the address (I should've written it down but the number
was 0x1e00000 though I'm not sure on the number of zeroes), and then the
next line said that it had an input/output error and quit. Modstat showed
that the module wasn't loaded. I'm using a Q650 running a 1.3 custom
kernel with the machdep.c patch applied. Is this a problem I can fix
myself or should I send you the output from MacBSD_ROM? It'll be great to
have floppy support on my machine, thanks. :)

> Insert a formatted 800k floppy, su to root, "newfs /dev/rfd0a", "mount
> /dev/fd0a /mnt", play around, "eject fd0", have fun.

Does this mean I need to format the floppy in MacOS? I can't just pop it
in and newfs it? MacOS 7.6 on my Q650 doesn't seem to want to do an 800K

-Simon Raahauge DeSantis