Subject: Re: Kernel panic
To: Eric B. Krauss <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/24/1998 00:03:05
Eric B. Krauss wrote:
> This is my first post to the list.
> I just installed NetBSD 1.3 on my LC475, 540 MB IBM drive, five partitions:
> swap 50MB, root 40MB, /usr 200MB, /var 100MB, /home 130MB.  When the
> partitions were created, Drive Setup adjusted the partitions so they were a
> few megs off.  There are also two zero meg apple_free partitions.
> The booter boots the kernel, but the top line of text gets cut off, as well
> as some symbols on the bottom, and then  . . . 
> I keep getting a kernel panic:  "panic:  Res Hndls table too small!"
> I can't type anything; all I can do is reboot from the keyboard.
> What is the Res Hndls table and what can I do to rectify this?  Do I need to
> repartition the drive and start over?  I'd like to avoid that.

The Res Hndls table is part of the Macintosh ROM Glue support for the ADB.
It appears that you have one of the ADB devices which triggers this little
problem.  You wouldn't happen to have a Kensington mouse, would you?
These are the ones that normally cause this problem, but not the only ADB
devices that do.

Anyway, one solution is to switch to standard Apple ADB devices.  The
other solution is to try a HWDIRECT kernel.  You can obtain the latter
from Puma (if it's still up):

I hope this helps.  Please let us know if it doesn't.


Colin Wood                       
Component Design Engineer - MD6                 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.