Subject: Re: NetBSD on Apple IIci: Boot failure while 32bit
To: Mark Andres <>
From: Jeroen Schaap <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/10/1997 21:51:57
Dear Mark & Chris, (and every one listening)

Thanks for your answers. I finally succeeded in booting the IIci. 
Nevertheless, the MMM has not been the problem, appearently. In MacFan, a 
dutch magazine (rather new, a bit superficial but nice anyway) an article 
on unixs for macs explained their problems with BSD on (lucky me) 
macIIci. BSD only ran after adding ram to the mac, total 8 megs. So I've 
also supplied my mac with 16 megs..... and it runs now. Modern Memory 
Manager is off, though.

I am used to linux and so I have problems. I ruined passwd and will 
install the sys from scratch another time. Not a big deal, I will learn 
eventually :-). But I'd like to now how i can simultaneously log in with 
different users. With Linux, a give a <alt-f2> and there I have 6 virtual 
consoles. Does BSD perform this same trick?

Thanks a lot!

