Subject: Re: IIfx question
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Paul Goyette <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/19/1997 20:29:43
Well, I've never used a IIfx, but I do remember that there's something
special about the way you have to terminate their SCSI bus.

On Tue, 19 Aug 1997, Allen Briggs wrote:

> Well, thanks to a fine Irish gent, I have a IIfx board to play with.
> When I try to put it in my II case and power it up, I get the three
> chords of death before I get a picture on the screen.  Since I've never
> used a IIfx before, I thought I'd ask for thoughts from you folks who
> might have some idea.
> Basically, what I have is the motherboard with RAM on it.  I dropped it
> into the II's case and put my 80MB SCSI on the internal bus (I had to
> snitch a power adapter cable from a spare quadra SCSI bracket kit to fit
> the power on the motherboard).  I put a macintosh display card in it (not
> a TFB, but something like it).
> When I power it up, it seems to do something for a bit and then does the
> three ascending chord thing, about when I'd expect to see the screen
> clear.  I don't have a terminator on the external SCSI, but I also don't
> have any devices on it--I know that the IIfx terminator needs are
> special, but I don't remember the details...
> Hmmm...  I'll try a different display card, too.
> Is it possible that there's some difference because the mb is from
> Europe?  I figured that the power supply would take care of the voltage/
> frequency differences and that the motherboard would be the same on
> both sides of the pond.
> Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> -allen
> PS. The new quadra scsi driver seems to dig a ZIP drive, too.  I was
>     able to newfs a 96MB filesystem on it.
> -- 
>               Allen Briggs - end killing -

| Paul Goyette       | PGP Public Key fingerprint:  | E-mail addresses:     |
| Network Consultant |     0E 40 D2 FC 2A 13 74 A0  |    |
| and kernel hacker  |     E4 69 D5 BE 65 E4 56 C6  | |