Subject: Re: Does X server work on current?
To: Colin Wood <>
From: SUNAGAWA Keiki <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/20/1997 00:41:41
Hi, Colin.

mail # <> , 
"Colin Wood" <> wrote:

Colin> So the above was a result of using the 13" monitor???
Colin> What color mode are you booting in?  What does a 'trace'
Colin> in the debugger say at this point?

Unfortunately, my own (1.2G) kernel did not work with NuBUS
video card for me though internal video is ok.  Here is the

When I ran startx, kernel hang.  This is the message.

vm_fault(123000, ddddd000, 1, 0) -> 1
  type 8, code [mmu,,ssw]: 401074d
trap type 8, code= 401074d, v= dddddde5
kernel: MMU fault trap
pid = 172, pc = 0009932A, ps = 2001, sfc = 0001, dfc = 0001
[Register dump]
Kernel stack (0083AD24):
[stack dump]
panic: MMU fault
stopped at	_Debugger+0x6:	unlk	a6

When I hit t(return), ddb said:

_Debugger(1,83aed60,c59d0,c55c7,13001000) + 6
_punic(c55c7,13001000,0,13000000,0) + 40
_trap(8,401074d,dddddde5) + 1ee
faultstkadj(123108,13000000,83ae50) + 0
_vm_map_mageable(123108,13000000,13001000,0) + 68
_pmap_enter(6c67d00,74000,4ec0000,5,0) + 160
_vm_fault(6c41700,74000,1,0) + ba2
_trap(8,402f209,74748) + 4f0
faultstkadj() + 0
db >

Any hints?  It's only on me?
