Subject: NetBSD-current booting probs
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Josh Hope <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/15/1997 15:21:06
I downloaded base and text and etc packages from the current sources of
NetBSD...I did have all NetBSD 1.2.1 stuff. 

I installed the etc files by hand, one by one, making sure all my prefs
were transferred. I did it very carefully :)

Then I went ahead and installed the base package, but not by hand. 

I also installed text, but this was the first time I had installed the
package. Previously, text had not been installed on my machine...I just
got sick of those errors saying "could not find nroff"...

Anyways, I then restarted. Upon booting up, a curious thing happened:

Automatic boot in progress: starting file system checks
Usage: fsck [-dfnpy] [-b block] [-c level] [-m mode] filesystem ...

Then the system went into single user. I exitted out, and the boot
continued...and errored when it tried loading syslogd:

Starting rpc daemons: portmap syslogd: /var/log/authlog: no such file or
directory syslogd: /var/log/xferlog: no such file or directory

Then it continued booting up, and nothing "major" happened. It's working,
but these errors are kinda getting to me...

I tried running fsck from a normal prompt, getting the same error message
as posted above...

I'd really like to get this stuff cleaned up :) Any help or info or tips
would be really ppreciated...
