Subject: Re: Screenless Performa575 install probs.
To: None <>
From: Allan Fields <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/13/1997 20:41:35
>Unfortunately, yeah, it is.  We ought to figure out a way to do that,
>though, and in fact, installation from the un*x side is one of the wish
>list items....  The hard part would be convincing NetBSD to boot w/o swap
>or a root partition.  It might be possible one of these days.  :-)

If you could get that working, and maybe even installation from a boot floppy 
that would be excellent.  I would be using text mode installs a lot, cause you 
can buy older (and newer?) macs w/ no monitor for allot cheaper, and then just 
chuck a serial term on it.  VT220s go for about, hmm... $0 these days.

>It shouldn't crash in the installer, but you never know... unless it's
>running system 6, in which case... who knows...  Have you tried upping the
>memory available to the installer in the get info box (assuming system 7)? 
>If you have system 6, have you tried DL'ing a copy of Installer 1.0 and
>upping _its_ memory some?

I will try fiddling w/ the memory some more, and check out 1.0 -- I was using 
1.1 (?Hmm, I guess that was it..), I am currently using System 7.1 w/ 4MB ram, 
and as far as I know SEs don't even support VM.  Ughh!

     Allan Fields,,

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