Subject: Re: GENERICSBC-30 problem
To: Dave Paton <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/05/1997 12:29:46
> Hi all-
> I'm having a bit of trouble booting (or even trying to boot) this kernel 
> with booter 1.10.0. I've gto the kernel in MAcOS (named netbsd and 
> untarred/zipped) and every time I am told that there ain't enough memory 
> to load this kernel. I've tried this on my SE/30 (the BSD box) as well as 
> on my PM 7600. If I can't boot in the 32 MBs on the powermac, how am I 
> supposed to boot in the 8 on the SE/30?

Uhm, a mac68k kernel WON'T work on a PowerMac. As the current installer
has (AFAIK) m68k assembly code in it, it won't work right on a

Did you have text translation off when you gunzipped the kernel?

Take care,
