Subject: Re: New user installation questions
To: Michael Robinson <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/30/1997 15:48:38
At 8:40 PM 1/29/97, Michael Robinson wrote:
>I apologize if this question is not pertinant to this list or if there is a
>good faq that answers my question and I just haven't found it yet. But I am
>trying to install MacBSD on my IIsi and not being a coder type guy I don't
>really get the read me file installation instructions.

Someone else posted about problems with the InfoMagic CD-ROM recently.  He
told me his problem was that the Mac utilities are on the disk in BinHex
(*.hqx) format, enven though they do not have that suffix.  You need to run
them through Stuffit Expander to get executable versions of them.

There are three Mac utilities you need from the CD-ROM:  mkfs (a Unix
formatter), Installer (copies the system files onto the Unix disk
partition), and Booter (which starts Unix from MacOS).

You also need a MacOS disk formatter that can create A/UX partitions.
(Apple's HD SC Setup will do, and it can be patched to work on non-Apple
disks.)  The current version of mkfs (post 1.2) can relabel Mac partitions
as NetBSD ones if your formatter can't create A/UX partitions directly.

The FAQ on installation is at
A quick overview, if you need some orientation, is that there are 4 steps:
1) use some MacOS disk formatter to create A/UX disk partitions.  You need
a Root & User partition and a swap partition on the same disk.  2) use mkfs
to format the Root & User partition.  3) use the Installer to copy a kernel
and all the *.tar.gz files to the Root & User partition.  Then tell it to
build devices.  4) use the Booter, with appropriate options, to boot

I previously posted a reference to an A/UX problem reading ISO-9660
CD-ROM's described in D.13 of  On rereading their FAQ and
trying out a CD-ROM on my Mac I find I was mistaken.  The A/UX problem is
irrelevant to us.  My apologies for wasting everyone's bandwidth.

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