Subject: Re: Problem with IIcx boot
To: Adrian Fowler <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/30/1997 09:42:25
> I've just installed Mac BSD on my IIcx.
> Well, everything worked fine, that is until I tried to work with a
> terminal emulator plugged into the printer port on boot.
> It gave me a message saying that the terminal was responding too quickly
> although I'd set all the options as in the booter FAQ
> Since turning the power off on that instalation, It hasn't booted.

How exactly did you turn off the power?

> It just gets as far as
> nubus(0) on mainbus (0)
> just befor finishing the kernal.
> I've tried upping the booter memory, disabling all inits but mode 32
> and turning appletalk off at restart, but nothing works !! And last
> night a complete re-instalation from version 1.2 GENERIC

Do you mean LocalTalk? What booter are you using? Are you setting the
"protect from LocalTalk" bit in the serila ports.. dialog?

Take care,
