Subject: Re: Keyboard maps
To: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
From: Christoph Ewering <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/30/1997 15:50:50
> >Think it is a good idea to compile a -current with german, french, etc.
> >keyboard mappings.
> >I don't like it to test every key to find * or # :-)
> Unfortunately, this requires changes to the kernel's kbd tables first.
> There is no column for the option key which most non-USA kbd layouts need
> to produce such insignificant chars as |\{}[]...

Sorry, but i can't find a kdbmap.c or kdbmap.h in the
Which keyboardmap is used for the port-mac68k?

> The dt table could be taken as a model as it is a somewhat extended version
> of the kernel table.

O.K. will look for in the keyboardmap of dt.

> >Someone on the list told something about Amiga/Atari-NetBSD that is able
> >to take keymappings as a boot option. Someone has to translate it in the
> >mac68k-NetBSD, but i'm not an expierenced programmer.
> You'll become one by that way. =8)

I'm going to install the NetBSD-current source-tree on my Q700 next
Then i will look to the sources and maybe i understand something ;-)
and can compile a kernel with another keyboard-layout than the us.

> What has to be done for loadable kbd tables is to define some ioctls that
> take a (compiled) table and load it over the original one. I've been at it
> (in fact, it was my first intensive contact with kernel sources), but
> dropped the project on half the way.

I don't understand anything from the above.
What is ioctls?

Bis denn,

Christoph Ewering
Husarenstrasse 48         Fon: 05254 12555
33104 Paderborn