Subject: Re: dt question
To: Michael Peters <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/29/1997 21:16:59
>   Sometimes dt will open a terminal that will be only about 1/3 screen
> tall... that is I only get about 15 lines of text and it scrolls, leaving
> 2/3 of the screen blank.  Is there any way to reset this?  I have tried
> the reset command, but that doesn't seem to do anything. I've stty
> settings and everything I can think of.  The only thing that seems to work
> occasionally is using pine at my ISP. This about 1 in 2 times will correct
> the problem.  Methinks it's a curses problem but I don't know 'bout this.

I think this is a terminal emulation problem.  I believe that dt uses 
vt220 emulation (I'm not sure, tho, haven't used it in a while ;-)

So, you should just be able to do a:

setenv TERM vt220 (for csh)


set TERM=vt220;export TERM  (for sh)

before you start dt, and this should fix the problem I think ;-)

I hope this helps


Colin Wood                            
Consultant                                        Rice University
Information Technology Services                       Houston, TX