Subject: Re: Keyboard maps
To: Christoph Ewering <>
From: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/29/1997 19:42:52
At 9:00 Uhr +0100 29.01.1997, Christoph Ewering wrote:
>Think it is a good idea to compile a -current with german, french, etc.
>keyboard mappings.
>I don't like it to test every key to find * or # :-)

Unfortunately, this requires changes to the kernel's kbd tables first.
There is no column for the option key which most non-USA kbd layouts need
to produce such insignificant chars as |\{}[]...

The dt table could be taken as a model as it is a somewhat extended version
of the kernel table.

>Someone on the list told something about Amiga/Atari-NetBSD that is able
>to take keymappings as a boot option. Someone has to translate it in the
>mac68k-NetBSD, but i'm not an expierenced programmer.

You'll become one by that way. =8)

What has to be done for loadable kbd tables is to define some ioctls that
take a (compiled) table and load it over the original one. I've been at it
(in fact, it was my first intensive contact with kernel sources), but
dropped the project on half the way.


"It's never straight up and down"     (DEVO)