Subject: Re: Booting troubles solved too
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Olivier Boudry <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/29/1997 19:09:51
>Use the minishell in the installer and type "force fstab" (or "fstab
>force"), then the fstab will be overwritten by a new one.
>It took me one day to came behind it, when i installed NetBSD the
>I've send some suggestions for the install-guide but i don`t know if the
>responsible person has changed the guide.
>> If that doesn't work, then you can fix this for sure by using the installer
>> running the minishell using the menu selection and cpout /etc/fstab edit
>> this with an editor under macos and then cpin it back into netbsd.

I tried the "fstab force" command, but it created the same fstab file as
the installer. So I finally used cpout /etc/fstab and edited the file. And
now it works just GREAT! :-D

Thanks for all the replies!
