Subject: Re: dialout not working
To: Russell Cotton <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/27/1997 09:35:48
> Hello,
> I am running GENERICSBC-21 kernel (don't know if that has anythink to do 
> with it) and can't use cu to access my modem. I enter "cu -l tty00 -s 
> 38400" and the computer responds with a "Connected." but when I press a 
> key, it has some sort of write error and then exits.

Something's broken in how cu handles the serial ports w/ NetBSD. You
need to get it to set clocal, then it will work. The problem is that it
tries to do non-blocking I/O, but with the port set to wait for DTR before
transmitting. When it gets a "try again" error, it freaks out.

I gave up on cu. Try tip instead. Or just get one of the ppp packages. :-)

Take care,
