Subject: Re: Troubles with Quadra 650 and NetBSD 1.2
To: Olivier Boudry <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/25/1997 09:53:27
> Hello!
> >I suppose that it's possible that you have a corrupted copy of init.  You
> >might try to reinstall it and see how it goes.
> Thanks for your reply.
> I tried to reinstall several times. Usually I can boot the first time after
> installation, and then I get the same errors again.

What kernel are you using? Try one of the SBC ones. There are two different
scsi driver, because one of them (the "ncr" driver) will do things like
your tale of woe w/ some hard disks.

We don't know why.

[snipped tale of woe]

> PS: is there a way to have this log written to a file while booting? The
> booter's bootlog stops when NetBSD starts and this second part is probably
> interesting too.

Definitely. Infact, this part of the log is the only useful part for this
kind of error. Unfortunately this log gets saved using the very scsi driver
which isn't working well!

The other alternative, if you have another computer, is to hook up
the computer to the printer port, set it for 9600 8N1, and set the
"Serial Boot Echo" flag under the serial port dialog in the booter.
All these messages will then be dumped to the printer/other computer.

Take care,
