Subject: Re: mac utils
To: Stephen Davies <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/24/1997 19:10:57
At 3:00 PM 1/24/97, Stephen Davies wrote:
>I've copied the files off the cd on to my main drive. I can't proceed
>further because mkfs.cpt and install are seen by my system as text files
>rathe tha applications (ie I can't click on the icon and launch).  How do
>I fix this (Resedit?).

I think this may be in the A/UX FAQ.  (I presume still on  It is also discussed in the notes with the Prime
Time Freeware CD-ROM.

The problem is in the ISO-9660 MacOS system extension.  It does not
distinguish between file types on a 9660 CD-ROM.  To make it easy to read
text files from such a disk it sets the filetype of *all* files on a 9660
CD-ROM to TEXT.  This has the effect of helpfully changing all linefeeds to
carrage returns, even if it's a binary file.

There is a resource somewhere in the ISO-9660 system extension that you can
edit with resedit to "fix" this.  Change 'TEXT' to 'BIN ' and all binary
files will work fine.  Of course you won't be able to read the README's
with SimpleText anymore.

It is possible (though I don't think so) that you can work around the
problem by reading the file directly with Compactor Pro without copying it
to your hard disk first.  Give it a try.

Colin:  Could I persuade you to copy the relevant FAQ from the A/UX one to
ours (giving proper credit of course).  I'm actually surprised this hasn't
come up before on our list.

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