Subject: Re: Syquest, Centris650, & NetBSD1.2
To: Stephen R. Lasky <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/18/1997 16:18:31
> >would be to repost with a few of
> >the lines that are on the screen before panic:  line. (The booter log gets
> >closed once the kernal is loaded.)
> I will try to do that.  Most of the lines directly before the crash seem to
> be hex addresses but I will write them down and post them (can't copy and
> paste since the machine is dead).  I'll post them in a separate post since
> I have to reboot to run the booter.

Actually, probably the best would be to try to type trace at the db> 
prompt and see what happens.  Of course, this is probably not the problem.

> Bob said:
> >The Kernel you're using doesn't have the required support for the 650.
> >Either you pulled it down from the wrong place on or you
> >got an early one that still doesn't support the 650.  I don't know if the
> >650 support has been officially incorporated into the soruce tree yet, so
> >you may need to find a custom kernle designed to work with the 650 for
> >the time being.  I'm sure someone will come along and answer that for you.
> The kernels I downloaded have been GENERIC 1.1, GENERIC1.2 (NetBSD) and
> GENERIC 2 (openBSD).  I just noticed a post about GENERIC 1.3, but I
> haven't found that anywhere.
> If anyone knows of a kernel that runs on the centris 650 (I imagine that
> the same kernal should run on the quada 650 as well, I would appreciate a
> pointer to a site where I can find it.  That would be the easiest fix.

Ahhh!  This is the problem.  You need to get a much more recent kernel, 
probably GENERIC-16, or perhaps GENERIC-20 from:

One of these will probably work for you.  Make sure that you are using 
Booter 1.9.4 or later as well.

I hope this helps.


Colin Wood                            
Consultant                                        Rice University
Information Technology Services                       Houston, TX