Subject: Re: Color X on Quadra
To: Michael R Zucca <>
From: Michael Peters <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/17/1997 21:35:57
On Fri, 17 Jan 1997, Michael R Zucca wrote:

> > I saw before that someone was working on a Kernel that would recognize the
> > video and be able to utilize the color X server on the Quadra series...
> > Is this true? And if so, where can I find a copy of it?
> Right now people are looking into the hardware. I'm sort of the "color video
> guy" right now and I'm close to a II/LC series color kernel. Due to grad
> school I'm going to be pressed for time for about a month and a half so
> don't expect to see anything on that too soon.
> The best ETA for color video is a few months right now.

  Woohoo! =)  I'm very interested in color on the LC series, if you need
anything run for diagnostics on the LC III (3), let me know, i'd be more
than happy to help.

  Also, is anyone working on ANSI color for things like dt?


Michael D. Peters
