Subject: Re: Partition for usr
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: James Scott <jscott@MNSi.Net>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/08/1997 19:35:35
>On Wed, 8 Jan 1997 17:21:30 -0500,
>jscott@MNSi.Net (James Scott) wrote:
>> THis is my new setup, im sick and tired of all these problems.
>> 4022k Root Filesystem
>> 19990k Swap
>> 106956k Usr File System
>> What would be the best setup for using Netbsd and X w/ a seporat usr
>> partition.  If that is totaly wrong please tell me :O)
>The 4M root maybe a bit too small since you don't have separate /tmp
>and /var.  Probably you should go for the all-in-one-partition plan,
>given that you have only 100M+ of disk space for NetBSD.

Uh See, my problem is is that netbsd is being getting FUC*ED up too many
times on my IIcx.  it should be easier to fix with out formating the hole
EZ cart with seporat partitions, as said by the INSTALL read me

James Scott :O)
the ORIGINAL Spam_Man (isent that a novelty)
saying for this week:
Procrastinate, OK you have the correct spelling now, ill update in 2 weeks