Subject: Command problems
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Keith Parkins <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/08/1997 09:32:20
I installed NetBSD-1.2 on a Performa 405 with a Lifetime FPU. I have 8M
RAM and an 80MB hd. 16MB for swap and 54MB root/user.I am using the
current booter and installer that is available from (1.9.4
and 1.1a I think). I installed base12, comp12, etc12, and man12.

I installed the GENERICSBC-15 kernel this weekend and have had greater
success with it than the ADB kernels. After I installed the kernel, I
booted in single-user to make sure the kernel worked and then exited to
multiple-users to set up accounts. After logging in and changing the
roots password, I tried adduser but was greated but "invalid command". I
then tried vipw and had the same result. I know that these were
installed since I tried I using them in the old kernels I installed. As
a matter of fact, I found the vipw binary(executable be user, group ,
etc.). After all of this, shutdown would not work either. Other commands
work fine. vi works fine. When I run df, it shows that I have used 107%
and have negative space left on the disk. The last time I ran df, it
showed 5MB left. I have had to use the Mac restart since shutdown was
not working. Did this leave a full disk cache or something? Oh, reboot
and halt are not working either. Is this problem do to lack of disk
space? Is it due to the installation of the kernel?