Subject: Re: netatalk problems
To: Brad Salai <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/06/1997 15:00:41
> I for one, maybe the only one, wouldn't mind seeing this discussion here.
> It seems relevant.
> Or maybe we could have a new
> port-mac68k-netatalk-doesnt_work-how_to_fix? list ;)

The thing is that the problems aren't generic config ones, they are
more stemming from (I'd bet) a few small, well-hidden errors. One person's
had it lock up a MacOS box, and another's used a packet sniffer to see
that there are errors in the ddp output. I'm just kinda hesetant to
fill everyone's mailboxes with problems when the code's still for
the brave-at-heart.

Though since has seemed to disapear, maybe we need a NetBSD
list. How do we make such a thing?

Take care,
