Subject: Re: Update on the PowerBook 140
To: None <>
From: Daniel M. Lipton <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/06/1997 15:04:49
On Mon, 6 Jan 1997, Ken Nakata wrote:

> On Mon, 6 Jan 1997 04:36:45 -0500 (EST),
> "Daniel M. Lipton" <> wrote:
> > managed to get to the point where the machine is taken over completely
> > by NetBSD/mac68k and it asks for a PATHNAME to a shell, or hit enter
> > to choose sh, and it dies.
> It dies?  How does it die?  Also, did you try Takashi Hamada's PB kernel?
> ken

Maybe I forgot to mention this earlier, but at this point, I have
tried the two most recent revisions of Takashi Hamada's PB kernel, one
that hangs during the adb portion of the boot (the newest one) and one
that hangs where I am asked for input for the first time (where it
asks for my path).  Late, uhm, early this morning, I came to this
conclusion, after trying other kernels (GENERIC-77 and GENERIC-9, both
of which crashed where it asked for input) I am either having trouble
with the internal keyboard (possibly all adb devices, but I don't as
of yet have any other adb devices to test this theory with) or it is
crashing.  I don't know which is happening because the machine looks
frozen, in such a sense that it is not responding to any keyboard

I have read the FAQ, but it does nt seem to address, this, but alas I
am off to see the FAQ again, to see if I missed something.

Thanks a bunch, and I will keep all posted of any changes.

Daniel Lipton