Subject: Re: Newer Power Manager driver for PowerBook series is released
To: Takashi Hamada <>
From: Michael R Zucca <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/06/1997 14:19:54
> Wow! I didn't think that external monitor could work, at all.
> That is more surpising for me, rather than my driver works on PB180...

It surprises me even more :)

> OK. I've made a newer test kernel with Michael Zucca's internal video driver.
> I've confirmed that it worked fine on PB180 with internal monitor.

The newest kernel source should have the Intvid 0.x code in it already.
I'm not sure but I believe that PB users won't be able to run X for the same
reason that 040 users are having a problem. I recall that the patch for
powerbooks also included code to avoid calling get_pte. There have been so
many low level changes to the kernel, though, that this problem may have
passed into antiquity.

> > PS. I don't remember if this was sposed to work, but the backlight 
> > dimmer still does not.

Somebody had mentioned this when I was working on 0.x. I think the hardware
register that controls back lighting is getting reset when the machine boots
into NetBSD. Once you find the back lighting register you should be able to
set it to whatever you want.

Just a note: If you do find that register I'd like to get together with you
and Taras so we can make some graphics ioctls that make sense. :) I'd love to
see a grf driver where you can control everything from monitor depth/res to
brightness and backlighting.

Good luck.