Subject: Re: A new mailing list perhaps???
To: None <>
From: Daniel M. Lipton <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/05/1997 22:57:31
O.K.  As a MacBSD newbie, yet not a UN*X newbie, I feel awful about
posting questions that might have answers in FAQ's, HOW-TO's or some
other doc's somewhere.  As a new user of any MacBSD product though, I
may not have even heard of that doc yet.

Is it that annoying if I ask a question that may be obvious to an
experienced user?  It seems to me that a private e-mail with a simple,
"Please see this" is not all too inappropriate.  In
fact, some of us read this list avidly to see the "inappropriate"
stuff, because there isn't any other place to go.  While I would
happily support a help-macbsd mailing list, or any new sources of
information on MacBSD, why would splitting this resource up produce
more in terms of useful information?  It would just mean I would have
more entries into my procmail script and more lists to subscribe to or
am I missing something?

I like this list, alot.  I would love to see improvements and I will
volunteer for anything I am qualified for.  I would happily run new
mailing lists of my box, if it seems to be appropriate, happily
supplement the web pages if there is a need to, help with docs, but I
reaaly need to learn more.

Where is the appropriate place for this???

I hope I am not offending anyone, I may be venting a little, I have
spent an awful lot of time with MacBSD and my PowerBook 140, and I
still seem to be running into problems. (see my next post)

Daniel Lipton